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BISS Puxi’s Craft-Making Experience with Sachets at the Weaving Pavilion of the Jinze Art Center

丙申三月季春,上海英國學校十位同學在金澤紡織館學習香囊制作技藝。In the spring of March 2016 (start for the Year of the Yang Fire Monkey in the Chinese lunar zodiac calendar), a group of ten students from BISS learned the art of sachet making at the Weaving Pavilion of the Jinze Art Center

此次香囊的造型有三種,分別是愛心香囊、粽子香囊以及元寶香囊。The sachets were created in the shape of hearts, triangular zongzi, and shoe-shaped pouches.

大家將雄黃和棉花裝入形態各異和五顏六色的香囊中,仔細認真地穿針引線,掛上自己喜歡的繩穗。Students filled the variously shaped and coloured sachets with realgar and cotton, carefully stitching them together with needle and thread, and completing them with the addition of their own favourite fringe borders.



Once all the colourful sachets were finished, the students, along with the teachers, posed for a group photo jubilantly presenting their fragrant craftwork.

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