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BISSPuxi’s Craft-Making Experience of Bauhinia Pastry at the Bakery House of the JinzeArt Center


四月二十一日,上海英國學校十六位同學來到金澤工藝社烘焙坊學習制作紫荊花酥。On April 21,sixteen students from BISS arrived at the bakery of the Jinze Art Center wherethey learned about the making of bauhinia pastry.


烘焙坊的面點師有豐富的甜點制作經驗,同學們跟隨面點師仔細學習了揉面、成型和熟制三個環節。The bakers at Jinzehave a wealth of experience in dessert making from which the students couldstudy carefully the linked processes of kneading, shaping, and baking.


紫荊花的花語和象征意義為家庭和睦、手足親情。The symbolic florallanguage of the bauhinia reflects familial harmony and intimacy betweenfriends.



The baked goods were brought home so the students could share with theirfamilies the fruits of their craftsmanship, while warm tidings were offered fromJinze to them and their teachers.

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