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BISS Puxi’s Craft-Making Experience of Scarf Bandhnu at the Jinze Art Center


四月二十一日,上海英國學校浦西校區的二十位同學來到金澤工藝社植物染坊學習植物染的基礎課程——紮染。On April 21, a group of twenty students from BISS Puxi visited the dye house at the Jinze Art Center to learn basic techniques in bandhnu botanic tie-dyeing.

這是同學們首次嘗試用植物染料著色絲巾。For all the students in the group, this was their first attempt at dyeing silk scarves with plant-based pigments.

在染坊老師的悉心指導下,每位同學根據自己的興趣紮出了各自喜愛的不同圖案和紋樣,並染出了一條條斑斕的蘇木紅絲巾。Under the instruction of the teachers from the dye house, each student created his or her own unique patterns and designs, which were transformed into dyed scarves of a virbrant sappan-red.

此次活動的帶隊教師Ms. Fiona Mc Connon也欣然加入到染坊的活動中。在短短兩個小時的體驗活動後,染坊教師將師生們的作品晾曬於染坊外的長廊中,師生們在隨風飄逸的絲巾中合影留念。英國學校師生們的臉上都洋溢著快樂的笑容。

Tour leader Ms. Fiona McConnon herself enthusiastically joined the activities. After a two-hour workshop, the dyers from Jinze dried the works in the corridor outside the dye house; later, the students and teachers, with their scarves flowing in the wind, took a group photo commemorating the event with everyone smiling proudly.

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