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BISS Puxi’s Artmaking Experience with Sand Mandalas at the Jinze Art Center

四月二十一日,上海英國學校四十余位同學來到金澤工藝社參觀了“圓明具德——時輪金剛彩沙壇城藝術展”。在觀看完展覽後,同學們來到南展廳預先準備好的五張方桌,八至十人一組合作完成金剛杵圖案彩沙制作。On April 21, over forty students from BISS visited the “Yuan Ming Ju De: The Wheel of Time, Sand Mandala Art Exhibition” at the Jinze Art Center. Students started by viewing the exhibition, and were afterwards led to the south gallery where five tables had been prepared in advance; there they collaborated in making sand mandala works in groups of eight to eleven.

當同學們將銅管拿在手裏敲擊金屬齒痕時,才發現將五彩的粉沙堆積起來組成各種美麗的圖案是如此得不易。這些看似簡單的彩色沙堆不僅蘊藏著深厚的宗教文化,而且在實際制作過程中原來還有如此高難度的工藝技巧。As the students tapped on copper pipe design tools, they discovered how difficult it was to produce the fine patterns using only piles of coloured sand. The seemingly simple coloured sand not only carried profound religious connotations, but also showed the sophisticated techniques required during the whole process of making them.


Such an experience fostered in the students an understanding of the devoutness demonstrated in the sand mandala produced over three months by the monks from the Zang Wa Temple in Rangtang County of Aba, Sichuan province.

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